The just-released Annual Report of the Decorah Police Department shows most crime statistics holding steady or falling slightly during the past year.
Statistics show a total of 333 arrests were made by Decorah Police during 2015. The largest categories were 67 drugs arrests and 67 shoplifting arrests. There were also 52 arrests made for liquor law violations.
Partial figures for 2015/2016 show 48 narcotics arrests so far--a slight reduction from 2014/2015's 58 arrests, but this year's figures are not yet complete.
Decorah police responded to 308 accidents in 2015--a decline of 9 accidents from the year before. Car/deer accidents were up two to 38 during 2015, but down by eight from 2013.
Among serious crimes, there were just two aggravated assault charges filed in 2015 in city investigations and just one charge of forcible rape. Eight people were charged with domestic abuse.