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Letter to the Editor #2: Nordic Fest Parade crasher

Posted: Wed, Aug 3, 2016 11:32 AM

The following Letter to the Editor has been received from Jim Dale of Decorah.

"I commend Gary Rusted for accepting full responsibility for the shameful float ending the Nordic Fest parade, and also for his extended information regarding his situation. We all do indeed feel sorry for him. But the claim that when he saw it and approved it there was no sign, thus implying that he approved it not knowing what it was, is incredible. It is incredible he would approve a float with no pre-registration (required by everyone else) and no information of what it was or who brought. His claim, "there was never any attempt to harm the Democratic Party or their nominee for President," is also beyond belief. Was the float intended to be nice to them? Come on!

The car had Minnesota license plates. Gary's professional life is in Minnesota. Please, Gary, tell us the whole truth so we can stop conspiracy rumors. Yes, we all feel sorry for Gary--it is indeed a sad way to end years of good service. That is exactly why we want to know the whole truth. One question remains--after this series of falsities, can we trust Gary Rustad with the important decisions that are made by the city council, where he still sits?"