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Proposed stormwater utility could help Decorah in joint project with Iowa DOT

Posted: Thu, Jul 21, 2016 1:40 PM

City staff have been in negotiations with the Iowa Department of Transportation in order to finalize the Division Street Storm Sewer Project, a joint renovation of Division Street and Centrum Drive.

The project would include wide ranging repairs and improvements to the storm water sewers along the two heavily-trafficked streets. Pending finalization, the project would be divided into two east and west sections, with the Iowa DOT responsible for all of the west section, while both Decorah and the Iowa DOT would evenly split the cost and labor on the eastern half of the project boundary.

So far, total costs for the project have been estimated around $176,000, putting $62,000 of the cost directly on the city of Decorah. City administrators say that the city's portion of the cost could be funded completely by the proposed storm water utility.

For more information regarding the proposed storm water utility, visit