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Reconstructing North Winn Road is "probably" a three-year project

Posted: Mon, Jun 27, 2016 11:45 AM

County Engineer Lee Bjerke has been working on trying to make sure there's enough money to pay for the reconstruction of North Winn Road.  Plans call for resurfacing the entire length of the road.

Bjerke says he wants to tap into around $2 million in federal bridge replacement program funds to pay for replacing two box culverts on the road--a smaller one near Seed Savers Exchange and a larger one north of 320th Street.

Tapping the federal bridge funds would mean state and local funds would have to be used for the rest of the project.  It might also affect the scheduling of other bridge replacement now on the calendar for 2020 and beyond.

At this point, it is looking like the North Winn Road project would take three years to complete, with the two culvert replacements being handled in the first year, the repaving of the southern part of North Winn Road in the second year and the repaving of the north part of the road in the third and final year.