We hadn't intended this to be "Survey Week" at decorahnews.com, but we've had a suggestion for a second survey we think is just too important not to conduct.
This person mentioned the empty storefronts that exist now in downtown Decorah--an unusual situation, to be sure, but still something that can't be left to continue.
Their question was simple: "What kinds of businesses would people like to see in downtown Decorah?"
While their question was simple, it needs a little explanation. They weren't talking about, "Gee, wouldn't it be great to have an IKEA in downtown Decorah?" They were talking in general terms--what type of business would you do business with if it opened in downtown Decorah. In other words, what type of business have you perhaps seen in other communities the same size as Decorah and wanted to have open here?
Once again, do NOT answer "Home Depot" or "Best Buy" or "Applebee's" or specific businesses--especially those that only exist in larger communities. What types of businesses would be good additions to downtown Decorah's retail mix?
E-mail your responses to: news@decorahnews.com