The Kids Lunch Club of Decorah has started at John Cline Elementary School and will run throughout this summer.
Sponsored by several local churches as well as private donors, the Kids Lunch Cub is designed to provide lunches for students after school gets out.
Although targeted towards students on free and reduced lunch plans, according to coordinator Kathryn Thompson, "we really wanna open it up to all students regardless of income or any other factors."
Meals are prepared three days a week by volunteers who make enough lunches to feed 75 kids a day. Currently, funding for this club comes strictly from local donations but the hope is to get funding through grants and community support.
Kids under 18 can come any day of the week and receive a free lunch between 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. "If you need the lunch or don't need it, we'll be happy to have you here," Thompson said.