Cliff e-mails: "Dear Mr. Answer person: After reading the news of the second eaglet's death, I looked at the web page and viewed two eaglets in the nest. Is the feed we are viewing,as they say, reruns?"
Mr. Answer Person says, "Yes. If you are watching you are seeing videos taken before the death of DN2."
Raptor Resource Project volunteers posted an article Friday about the death of DN2, saying, "As watchers at the Decorah North Nest know, female eagle Mom North brought some tainted prey into the nest on the afternoon of May 25th. She fed DN2, who promptly died, and ate some herself. Until we shut the cameras off, horrified watchers saw a very sick Mom North struggling in the nest."
"As the night passed, Mom North began to recover from whatever the prey had been tainted with. After she flew off the nest on the morning of May 26th, we knew we needed to make a plan to recover DN2. We wanted to autopsy the eaglet to determine the poisoning agent and prevent Mom from feeding it to DN1 and killing DN1 as well."
"The Iowa State DNR and the US Fish and Wildlife Service approved our plan very quickly and we were able to recover DN2's body yesterday afternoon. It is on its way to Iowa State University now. We don't know how long it will take for the results to come back."