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USDA gives a grant to help fund workshops on farm succession planning

Posted: Wed, Mar 2, 2016 1:59 PM

The United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Development program has awarded a $35,500 grant to the Winneshiek County Development, Inc. to help fund workshops on farm succession planning.

The grant will be used to help offer a workshop Wednesday, March 30th, at NICC Calmar on the complex process of passing a farm on to the next generation. The six-hour class will discuss the language of estate planning, gift, estate & inheritance taxes, working with legal and tax professionals and how to navigate the family communication that is vital to creating a good estate plan.

There will be a $25 per person fee for the class.  Additional information and a registration form are available at  Enter class number 50423.  You can also call Northeast Iowa Community College at 563.562.3263, extension 399, with any questions.