After calling almost two dozen witnesses to the stand in five days of testimony, prosecutors in the Alex Fazzino murder trial have rested their case.
That means defense lawyers William Kutmus and Trever Hook have begun calling witnesses to the stand to support Alex Fazzino's contention that his wife died because she drowned in the bathtub after taking too many presciption drugs.
Fazzino's aunt, Marianne Fazzino, testified Monday afternoon about the week leading up to Emily Fazzino's death on January 29th of 2012. Muriel Fazzino visited the family on January 22nd and said Emily Fazzino was "distraught" on that day. "I saw (someone) I wanted to help, but she didn't want my help," she testified.
Marianne Fazzino also testified that Emily Fazzino was bumping into the walls on January 25th. But prosecuting attorney Daniel Kolacia cross-examined her closely on whether there were any signs of prescription drug abuse on January 26th--the last day Marianne Fazzino ever saw Emily Fazzino alive.