(by decorahnews.com's Bob Felde):
The Iowa Virtual Academy (IAVA) in Garnavillo is a statewide, online public school of Clayton Ridge Community School District. The school uses K12 (name of private corporation) online curriculum, which provides curriculum for over 2,000 school districts and online schools across the country.
decorahnews.com contacted Clayton Ridge School District to find out more about how and why these schools operate. Instead, our inquiry was directed to The Brownstein Group, a marketing and public relations firm in Philadelphia.
As we wrote yesterday, when a student enrolls in an on-line school, state funding goes to the school district hosting that on-line school. The Brownstein Group told us, "Clayton Ridge doesn't lose funding for students in its district. It uses the money to provide a full education, whether in brick and mortar or online academy." IAVA currently enrolls over 200 students, three of whom are from Clayton Ridge.
IAVA touts flexibility for students and notes the potential advantages of online learning for students who have physical or health concerns, have experienced bullying in schools, move a lot or have family travel needs, have specific learning styles, or desire courses not readily accessible in their district such and language or AP courses. IAVA says it is using 12 teachers this year, and notes specific resources such as student/teacher interactive Blackboard Collaborate. Public relations materials suggest many more beneficial aspects of online education.
Coming up: An editorial about the role of Wall Street in our schools.