(Here is the complete text of the letter issued by Decorah High School on Friday afternoon)
"Dear High School Parents/Guardians and Students:
The Decorah High School administration is committed to create a safe and orderly school environment to encourage student learning and achievement. That commitment is achieved, in part, through the adoption and enforcement of school policies that prohibit students from possessing, using or distributing alcohol, drugs, tobacco products and/or related paraphernalia while on the school campus or attending off-campus events sponsored by the school district.
For years, the Decorah Community School District has worked in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies to promote student safety and well being while protecting student rights. Today both entities worked in conjunction to have a trained drug dog perform a search of student lockers located in hallways and locker rooms to detect the presence of illegal substances. The searches were performed in a manner that complies with Iowa State Law and Iowa Supreme Court decisions.
No person was or will be searched or sniffed by the drug dog. If the presence of illegal drugs is detected in any student's locker during a search, High School administration and law enforcement officers will contact the student assigned to use the locker and the content of the student's bag or purse will be searched. All searches will be conducted in a manner that respects students' privacy and rights, in addition to following Iowa State Law.
We hope this information will encourage a dialogue within your household to discourage the presence of illegal substances within our High School and continue to promote a safe and focused learning environment for our students and staff."
Kim Sheppard Adam Riley
Principal Associate Principal
Decorah High School Decorah High School