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10 entries from Decorah HS qualify for All-State Speech Festival

Posted: Tue, Feb 9, 2016 9:12 AM

Ten Decorah High School speech groups have been invited to the All-State Speech Festival February 20th in Ames.

Students in eight of those ten entries will give an encore presentation of their performances at the Northeast District State Large Group Speech Contest which won "1" ratings, while students in another two entries have been invited in a non-performance award category. 

DHS varsity speech groups receiving performance nominations included one-act play, readers theater, two solo mimes, one short film, one musical theater, one radio broadcasting and one television news:

One-Act Play directed by Thomas Houdek and Kristen Underwood: "Almost, Maine" Nick Bockman, Linnea Carlson, Naomi Davidson, Jenna Galligan, Loden Henning, Adam Hovden, Jonah Johnson, Ben Lechensky, Jake Muhlbauer, Lane Rahlf, Lowden Rockweiler, Brent Schaeffer, Paul Strand

Readers Theater directed by Gabe Twedt and Kristen Underwood: "David Copperfield" Sylvia Betteridge, Dalton Brown, Isabel de la Cruz, Chloe Gossling, Ashley Gulrud, Carston Krieg, Makinzie Monroe, Trevor Phillips, Rylea Ranum, Maggie Schwarz, Shai Shay, Richard Weis, Miles Wilkie

Musical Theater directed by Sarah Zbornik: "A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder" Autumn DeLong, Indigo Fish, Loden Henning, Annika Krieg, Trevor Phillips, Abby Trewin

Solo Mime directed by Molly Holkesvik and Sarah Zbornik: "True Beauty" Abby Trewin

Solo Mime directed by Molly Holkesvik and Sarah Zbornik: "Witch is Innocent?" Emily Womeldorf

Radio Broadcasting directed by Gabe Twedt assisted by Ayden Gossman: "KILT" Nate Darling, Emily Franzen, Anna Hanson, Nate Larson, Jarod Phillips, Luke Stock, Richard Weis, Carina Yee

Short Film directed by Molly Holkesvik assisted by Jonah Pankow: "Just Look" Logan Brauer, Augusta Casterton, Vita Domnenko, Avery Dugger, Erick Fadness, Jenna Galligan, Dawson Holkesvik, Laiton Ihde, Rylee Monteith, Alex Nesset, Jarod Phillips, Kaitlyn Rooney, Sam Sacquitne, Brynne Valkosky

Television News directed by Molly Holkesvik assisted by Jonah Pankow: "KANE" Josephine Berlage, Anna Bruneau, Marissa Foels, Maria Lea, Lexie Leuenberger, Janaye Lundtvedt, Shania Kelly, Morgan Minear, Jeny Na, Kasey Thompson, Abigail Toussaint, Jada Vanden Brink, Everett Wegge, Dan Willie, Carina Yee

DHS Varsity speech groups receiving non-performance nominations included one ensemble acting and one short film. Cast lists for these groups are as follows:

Ensemble Acting directed by Kristen Underwood: "The Importance of Being Earnest" Laurel Fadness, Ross Gentry, Helen Johnson, Kalle Solberg, Drew Sullivan, Miles Wilkie

Short Film directed by Molly Holkesvik assisted by Jonah Pankow: "Everlasting" Brenna Betts, Sydney Byrnes, Claudia Cowie, Ashley Darling, Zach DeVore, Ben Dugger, Ashlynn Franzen, Logan Hauber, Hannah Klotzbach, Andrew Larson, Maria Maguina, Tim Meyer, Drew Sullivan, Rachelle Sullivan.