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The Spectrum Network hires Bev Fredrick as permanent Executive Director

Posted: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 2:41 PM

You can remove the work "Interim" from her title.  The Spectrum Network Board of Directors on Tuesday night offered Interim Executive Director Bev Fredrick a job as the permanent Executive Director of the agency--and she accepted.

Fredrick tells that she's happy with the new title because she has a passion for the task of getting people with disabilities integrated into their communities.  She says she has enjoyed working with the Spectrum Network staff and leadership while being Interim Director.

One of her goals for the future is to continue to raise funds for a new food and storage facility behind the thrift shop being operated by The Spectrum Network on Broadway Street.

She also wants to work to make sure Spectrum successfully negotiates the "ever-changing funding streams" for programs for people with disabilities.  Spectrum will have to submit some bills to Care Management Organizations as part of the new changes to Medicaid in Iowa--and Fredrick says "We're not used to billing out to insurance companies."

But she says the organization is paying its bills and providing services to people with disabilities, despite the challenges of constantly-changing systems.  "This is a great agency," she says.