Decorah Mayor Don Arendt has made his appointments of city council members to committees. Four out of the seven city council members have been on the council for less than a year, so there's been some juggling of assignments.
First Ward council representative Randy Schissel will be the chair of the Finance Committee, which rules on budget issues throughout the year.
Second Ward council representative Dan Bellrichard will head the Economic Development Committee, which handles a variety of community initiatives.
Third Ward council representative Andy Carlson will be the chair of the Utilities Committee, which supervises the water system, sewer system, garbage collection and recycling.
Fourth Ward council representative Steve Luse will head the Property Committee, which oversees city property.
Fifth Ward council representative Chuck Lore will chair the Public Safety Committee, which oversees the police and fire departments.
At-large council representative Gary Rustad will continue to chair the Streets Committee, which reviews issues related to streets, alleys and sidewalks.
At-large representative Kirk JOhnson will head the Personnel Committee, which reviews and negotiates wages and benefits for city employees.