Gundersen Health System is now offering flu vaccines at the Gundersen--Decorah Clinic and other facilities.
Gundersen health experts are recommending that anyone who wishes to reduce his or her chances of catching the flu should be vaccinated. This is especially true of people who are considered at high risk for getting the flu, including children between the ages of 6- to 23-months old; people 65 years old and over; pregnant women in their second or third trimester; people with health conditions such as heart or lung problems, kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, asthma, etc.; residents of long-term care facilities and healthcare workers
The flu season usually starts in November and can run as late as April.
In addition to getting the flu shot, you can also reduce your chances of getting the flu and other common viruses such as colds by washing your hands and using hand sanitizer and by coughing into your elbow, not your hand.
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