Two years ago The Spectrum Network developed a three-phase plan to enhance employment opportunities for individuals with cognitive disabilities, mental illness and other barriers to independent living.
Phase I of that plan--to open The Spectrum Thrift Store in Decorah--has now been achieved.
Phase II is a food aggregation/processing center with cold storage for local food production efforts. Phase III focuses upon providing a community kitchen to be used by local food producers.
A fundraising drive has begun to create and implement Phase II, the food aggregation/storage facility, and assist with debt retirement. A federal grant from the USDA will allow Spectrum to implement Phase II as well as provide employment on a sustainable basis well after the grant funds are spent.
The Spectrum Network borrowed money to purchase the Wonder Hostess Bakery building at 607 Washington Street and remodel it to operate as a thrift store. The reduction of debt payments through partial debt retirement will mean current revenues can be devoted fully to funding current programs and to implementing Phase III.
For more information or to donate go to