Thursday's weather forecast in Decorah calls for a high around 75 degrees and a low around 55.
At this point, the warm weather is predicted to continue for at least another two weeks--good news for Luther College's Family Weekend and Decorah High School's Homecoming the first weekend in October.
While temperatures are expected to moderate in October, the first frost might not occur until around Halloween. That would be good news for area farmers, who will have more time to let their crops dry in the field.
In Decorah the average date for a light frost caused by the temperature hitting 32 degrees is September 30th--next Wednesday. Decorah should not have a light frost even by the average day of a 28 degree night, which kills corn and soy crops--October 9th. It's even possible the first day with temperatures below 32 degrees will happen after the average day of a 24 degree alfalfa crop killing frost--October 19th.
Crops in Decorah and Winneshiek County had been two or three days behind normal schedule one month ago, but warm weather has changed all of that and it now looks like it will be a perfect fall for farmers.