The economic impact of the craft brewing industry in Iowa exceeded $100 million in 2014, according to a study prepared for the Iowa Wine and Beer Promotion Board.
Decorah now has two craft breweries--Toppling Goliath Brewing Company, which was founded in May of 2009, and Pulpit Rock Brewing Company, which opened just one month ago.
On Tuesday Pulpit Rock Brewing Company founder Pete Espinoza talked to the Decorah Rotary Club about his company and about what he sees as the great potential for craft brewing in Iowa. That's because while per capita beer drinking in Iowa is much higher than the national average, the state ranks 49th in terms of per capita craft beer drinking. "There's opportunity in Iowa," he told the group.
Espinoza told the Rotary Club he opened Pulpit Rock because he wanted to do something that was fun and was good for Decorah. He praised the work of his two co-brewers, Robert Slack and Justin Teff, saying "Brewmasters are the key to our success."
Earlier, decorahnews.com's Bob Modersohn talked with Teff about the brewing process:
"How much fun is coming up with names for the different brews?"
Teff: It's quite fun. We like to come up with the beers, then let them inspire us as far as naming goes. It's not something you can force (coming up with names on the spot is difficult), the names just have to come to you when you least expect it.
"How do you decide on a beer to produce in large enough volume to sell on tap?"
Teff: We make pilot (small size) batches of our beer to test recipes. Once we're happy with the flavor profile and have a beer that we think most people will enjoy, we scale it up and produce it on the commercial system."
On Tuesday Espinoza said Pulpit Rock Brewing Company is currently featuring eight beers and is in the process of brewing two new beers--an Oktoberfest beer and a German-inspired Heffeweizen--both which should be available in October.