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Democrats are putting pressure on Republicans to call for special legislative session on school funding

Posted: Sun, Jul 26, 2015 6:17 PM

If the Iowa Legislature is going to call a special session to discuss funding for school districts in the state, it must approve such a request this coming week.  For a special session to take place, two-thirds of the members of the House and two-thirds of the members of the Senate must request it.

So far 21 of Iowa's 50 State Senators and 36 of Iowa's 100 State Representatives have officially requested a special session to overturn Governor Branstad's veto of this session's school funding legislation. 

There are 43 House Democrats and 26 Senate Democrats, so the Democratic Party does not have enough votes on its own to call for a special session.  As a result, they are trying to pressure Republicans to agree to the special session.

An updated list of the positions of individual legislators on the special session can be found at: .