Six Muslim Luther students from Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Bangladesh are sharing an evening meal with members of First United Methodist Church in Decorah during Ramadan.
The students come to the church close to 9:00 p.m. just as the sun is going down. They have not eaten or had anything to drink for 16 to 17 hours when the sun came up.
The timing of Ramadan varies from year to year depending upon the cycle of the moon, making the long, warm days of summer a very difficult time for fasting. Ramadan is also a time to welcome family and guests into their homes, feed the needy, and intentionally refrain from hurting others with words or deeds.
These students are far from home and find it hard to keep their traditions in a mostly Christian community. Food and drink is not readily available after sundown, and with few Muslim students on campus and in the area, a sense of community is hard to establish. To know that once a week they do not have to prepare a healthy meal after a long day of fasting and to be able to eat a meal in the company of their Muslim and new Christian friends has been a rewarding experience for them.
Luther College religion professor Dr. Robert Shedinger has been the link between the students and the church. He says he has been pleased with the ease in which the students and church members have joined into lively conversation and the sharing of stories.