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Gardeners advised: Don't let rhubarb plants go to seed

Posted: Tue, May 26, 2015 5:58 PM

Rhubarb is a popular part of many Iowa gardens.  Iowa StateUniversity Extension horticulturist Richard Jauron is reminding gardeners that plants will be less productive if allowed to flower andset seeds.

Flower development is natural for rhubarb and is often caused by drought, extreme heat, infertile soils or more mature plants.  Jauron says regardless of the reason, flower stalks should be promptlypulled and discarded.

Jauron also advises gardeners to water rhubarb plants every seven to 10 days during dry weather and to pprinkle half a cup of an all-purpose garden fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, aroundeach plant in early spring. Control weeds by shallow hoeing, hand pulling ormulching.