Students from the University of Iowa's Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities say the City of Decorah should create a stormwater utility to tackle issues involving water runoff in the community.
The group is also recommending the city adopt a "stormwater utility fee" of $5/month for residential property owners that would (with fees levied on other water users) raise a total of $173,581 a year. That money could be used to pay for public education of stormwater issues, cost-sharing on private stormwater retention projects and changes in local infrastructure.
But the main use would be to fund public projects such as bioswales, rain gardens, permeable paver parking lots, pocket parks and stream beautifications.
The study group of U of I graduate students also recommends establishing a "Stormwater Management Committee" to oversee projects.
The Decorah City Council's Utilities Committee will meet soon to review the recommendations.