(decorahnews.com's Paul Scott attended Thursday's meeting between Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Cady and Decorah High School students and files these impressions):
It's pretty interesting when you're in a crowd with an Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice and the thing that impresses you the most are the questions asked by high school students.
That's Decorah, where all the children really are above average.
So when Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Cady asked a group of Decorah High School juniors and seniors for questions, one of the first questions involved the firing of a teacher by Des Moines Dowling High School because he was gay. Bet you weren't expecting that, Your Honor? Then came a question about whether Supreme Court proceedings should be televised ("I am a strong proponent," said Cady, adding that Iowa's already are and that he has testified before a D.C. committee that he believes the U.S. Supreme Court proceedings ought to be, as well). There were also questions about whether there were any jobs he would want to have if he left the Iowa Supreme Court and others that left me thinking how I didn't think of these questions and I am allegedly the news reporter in this crowd.
We've grown used to hearing news stories about how Decorah High School has been named one of the top high schools in Iowa by this group or that group. We can forget what that means, however—these kids are extremely bright and extremely knowledgeable.
Or, letting the Supreme Court Chief Justice have the last word, "I'm impressed!"