Toys Go 'Round in Decorah has added a new toy to its toy lending library--in honor of long-time Decorah Public Library children's librarian Sally Stromseth, who was responsible for making American Girl Dolls along with their story books available for check out at the Decorah Library.
The American Girl "Bity Baby" comes complete with a couple of outfits.
Toys Go 'Round has just added an assortment of cake pans along with a cake decorating tool for check-out by their members. The board is also looking forward to adding an assortment of sensory toys to the inventory courtesy of the Winneshiek County Community Foundation.
Membership to the toy library is open to anyone in the Winneshiek County area. The annual membership fee is $45.00 with a reduced rate of $35.00 a year for grandparents who use the toys in their home. Members choose from over 1,000 toys to check out for a 3 week period. The toy library is located in the lower level of the Decorah Public Library and is open Tuesdays and Saturdays, 10:00-1:00 plus Wednesdays & Thursdays 3:00-7:00.