Elected and appointed city officials from throughout Northeast Iowa are being invited to a program next Thursday aimed at giving them a better understanding of government finance, resources, responsibilities and fraud prevention methods.
The workshop will be held at 6:00 p.m. March 19th at the Upper Explorerland offices at 134 Green Street in Postville. ISU Extension staffer Cindy Kendall will lead the training. Friday, March 13th, is the deadline to register for the workshop by e-mailing Ashley Goltz at agoltz@uerpc.org or calling her at 563-382-6171.
"City Finance 101" is a 2 hour interactive session will give the participants tools to understand financial information to make better decisions about budget, projects and safeguarding the assets of your community. Participants will use the financial reports from their local jurisdiction to better understand and use the information already at their fingertips.