Decorah engineering consultant Lindsay Erdman on Thursday night unveiled a plan for the reconstruction of Locust Road in three stages.
Under the plan the segment of Locust Road from College Drive to Shady Lane would be done next year. However, because the City of Decorah will be paying off the Short Street project through 2018, Erdman's plan is for reconstructing the Shady Lane to Pinecrest segment in 2019 and the Pinecrest to city limits segment in 2020.
City council members are considering whether to do the Locust Road project in the way Erdman is suggesting, or whether to raise money through a bond issue and do the work over one or two years.
About 25 Locust Road neighbors attended Thursday evening's City Council Street Committee meeting to ask questions of Erdman and city council members. Much of the discussion centered on sidewalks along Locust Road. Erdman's initial proposal is that there would be sidewalks on the north side of Locust Road from College Drive to Highland Drive. The HIghland Drive/Locust Road intersection might become a four-way stop so pedestrians could cross Locust. Sidewalks would then be built on the east side of Locust.
No action was taken at Thursday's Street Committee meeting. City officials promise they will hold a series of public meetings and public hearings before finalizing any plans.