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Good Shepherd announces Lenten services and Noontime Organ Recital Series

Posted: Thu, Feb 19, 2015 4:43 PM

Good Shepherd Lutheran's mid-week Lenten services begin on Wednesday evening, February 25, and continue at 5:30 each Wednesday through March 25. Pastor April Ulring Larson will preside; the service will follow the worship setting of Marty Haugen's Holden Evening Prayer. At each service, a congregation member will share a brief reflection on the ways their Christian faith impacts their understanding and practice of Christ's call to "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31). Those sharing faith stories are Luther Snow, February 25; Matt Tapscott, March 4; Wanda Diefelt, March 11; Sarah Wicks, March 18; and Barbara Berg, March 25. In addition, several Luther College ensembles are scheduled to per-form at selected services: Cantorei, February 25; Collegium Musicum, March 4; and Aurora, March 11. Good Shepherd's traditional 'Soup Suppers' will follow each service at approximately 6:00 pm or shortly thereafter.

The congregation welcomes all to share these evenings of worship and fellowship at its Lenten Services and Soup Suppers. Pastor April Ulring Larson and the Worship and Music Committee offer special thanks to the speakers, Luther musicians, and Soup Supper hosts.

Organ Recital Series

In addition to its schedule of worship services and soup suppers, Good Shepherd is offering it's fourth noontime Organ Recital Series on three Wednesdays during Lent. Each performance begins at 12:15 and lasts about a half-hour. The organists performing on Good Shepherd's historic Hook & Hastings organ are Christine Skogen, March 11; followed by Aaron Burmeister, March 18; Mike Reiter, March 25; and Rev. Marion Pruitt-Jefferson, April 1. This recital series is open to the public. Coffee and light refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall after the performances; attendees are welcome to bring their lunches.

For additional information and updates, consult Good Shepherd's website –, or contact the church office – 563-382-3963.