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Oneota Historic Future Alliance pays Winneshiek County another $1,500

Posted: Tue, Nov 18, 2014 5:11 PM

The Oneota Historic Future Alliance has lowered its debt to Winneshiek County to $5,000.

County Auditor Ben Steines says he has received a check for $1,500 from the group, which had promised to cover the costs of demolition of the Caretaker's House if it could not find a tenant for the building.  County officials placed the demolition cost at $9,600.  OHFA paid $2,400 to lower its obligation to $7,200, paid another $700 last month, then paid the county another $1,500 this month.  That leaves the balance OHFA owes at $5,000.

County officials had threatened to sue OHFA in order to get the organization to pay its obligation, but OHFA began sending checks to the county after an agreement was reached that the county would not sue.