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Branstad and Reynolds stump for Republican ticket Friday morning

Posted: Fri, Oct 24, 2014 10:44 AM
Branhagen, Branstad, and Reynolds

Governor Terry Branstad and Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds were at the Decorah Republican headquarters on Winnebago Street as they wound down their statewide campaign tour to stump for themselves and the Republican ticket.

They focused on fiscal responsibility and their role in balancing the state budget as the major factor in reduced unemployment and reduced property taxes in the state. While claiming their ticket was not a slam dunk, Branstad spent most of his time on the U.S. Congressional and Senate seats. He praised Rod Blum and his endorsements, while calling Pat Murphy "the worst speaker in the Iowa House." He noted the importance of the Senate seat, saying the winner could likely be in office for the next 30 years. He praised Joni Ernst as a combat veteran, and said we "didn't need another lawyer in Washington," while saying Bruce Braley had an "arrogant, condescending attitude" in reference to remarks about Chuck Grassley.

State House District 55 candidate Darrel Branhagen also appeared briefly to greet the audience of about 40 people.