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Decorah High School STEM students are among the best in the world

Posted: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 4:07 PM

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics students atDecorah High School—or "STEM" students—who took part in an international testof STEM skills have gotten some good news.

The Governor's STEM Advisory Council says the combined testscores of STEM students from Decorah and Adel-De Soto-Minburn, Ames, CedarRapids Kennedy, Cedar Rapids Washington and Pella ranked among the top tenworldwide.  The test was taken by 500,000 15-year-olds from Minnesota,Iowa, Illinois and Tennessee in the United States and 65 other nationsworldwide.   The Governor's STEM Advisory Council selected DecorahHigh School students to take the test based on the school's average ACT testscores.