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Exhibit of artwork by Luther alumni and Luther alumni spouses is now up

Posted: Wed, Sep 10, 2014 3:39 PM

An exhibit featuring the works of Luther College alumni artists and alumni spouses is now on display on the main floor of Preus Library.

Featured artists include Heather Riley '99; Tom Maakestad '80; Christopher Cudworth '79; Anna Maakestad '79; Gwen Heffner '74; Larry Welo '74; Martha Winter '72; and Walter Ordway '69.   A solo exhibit of Welo's work will also be on display in the Center for Faith and Life.

The show will also include work by reunion artists who were Pond Farmers, a term identifying those who worked with potter Margueritte Wildenhain at her Pond Farm studio in California. Reunion Pond Farmers are Jeanne Aurelius '74 and David Aurelius '72.

Works by non-reunion Pond Farmers will be displayed on the upper floor of Preus Library. Artists include Gunnar Schwarz '86; Sonja Juffer '75; Jane Rekedal '75; Larry Thoreson '73; Mary Deneen '72; Peter Hegland '72; Brian Martens '72; Paul Wilkie '72; Kate Huffman '71; Peter Deneen '70; John Onkka '70; Jere Huffman '68; Dan Sorensen '68; Josiah Tlou '68; and John Coiner '67.  Also represented will be former Luther pottery instructor Dean Schwarz.