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NICC Calmar is offering classes for used auto dealer re-licensing

Posted: Sun, Sep 7, 2014 7:39 PM

NICC Business and Community Solutions is offering three continuing education classes for used auto dealers.

All three 5-hour courses are being offered on Friday, September 26th, from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Wilder Business Center at the NICC Calmar campus.  Auto dealers who currently possess a used motor vehicle license and wish to retain it must take a 5-hour refresher course within 24 months before submitting an application for renewal.

"Dealer 101 – I'm Glad You Told Me That" (#29684) will review dealer license laws, title and registration requirements, Iowa Department of Revenue overview for auto dealers and the new IDOT ELT system.

"Dealer Guidance for Consumer Financing Compliance" (#29685) will assist dealers who are currently providing or giving consideration to offering bank, credit union or other lending to their customers.

"Safety and Environmental Education for Auto Dealers" (#29686) will cover the new OSHA Hazard Communications Rule for all shops with employees and industrial chemical products in use, as well as environmental compliance.

To register and pay online for the these used auto dealer classes, or for more information, visit to or call NICC Business and Community Solutions at (800) 728-2256, ext. 399.