On June 30th, decorahnews.com told you "The Winneshiek Sheriff's Department and the Cresco Fire Department are investigating a fire in Orleans Township (3105 318th Avenue) on Saturday morning that they term "suspicious."
What we didn't know then--but can tell you now--is that the house had quite a connection to the Winneshiek County Fair. It used to be owned by Leon Brown, who died in 1990, but who served as Fair Secretary for 26 years of his life.
Not only did Brown serve as Fair Board Secretary, but members of the Winneshiek County Historical Society and Decorah Genealogy Association say Brown was famous for having a zoo on his property.
The zoo officially opened to the public in May of 1955 with nearly 100 occupants. It had wild boars, elk, South African wild sheep, monkeys, chimps, Japanese deer, several birds such as flamingoes, macaws, pheasants, Australian emus (like an ostrich), alligators, black fallow deer, northern deer and parrots of all colors.
He donated all of the admission proceeds to the Winneshiek County Society for Crippled Children.
The Winneshiek County Historial Society/Decorah Genealogy Association will have a booth at this week's Winneshiek County Fair--and it will feature photos and information about Leon Brown and his work with the Fair and with the zoo located on his property.