The Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation has awarded DaltonHagen of Cresco and Breanna Allison of Monona 2014 camperships to Camp Hertko Hollowin Boone
Camp Hertko Hollow was founded in 1968 with 37 campers byDr. Edward Hertko of Des Moines. The camp for young people who are managing diabetes has grown to over 350 campers and120 staff volunteers each summer.
Winneshiek Medical Centerdiabetes educator JeanIrvin says, "The week-long camp provides youth the opportunity to interact and makefriends with other kids with diabetes – relationships that encourage social andemotional growth –while learning more about their disease." She adds, "Kids can participate intraditional camp activities with others just like them."
The Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation awards two $800camperships each year, which are supported by donations from the CalmarCorvette Club. The camperships are madeavailable to regional youth through an application process.