Jim e-mails: "I just spent some time on the city web site with no luck. What are the current rules of fire rings in the city of Decorah? Can I put one in my back yard?"
Mr. Answer Person says: "City ordinances prohibit open fires within the city limits--except it certain cases:
1. Wood campfires at the city campground;
2. Cooking fires in all grills at city parks;
3. Cookfires such as barbecue grills, etc. on private property;
4. Commercial incinerators;
5. School bonfires or bonfires conducted by nonprofit organizations, church groups or similar type organizations; that such exception shall only apply after the applicant has obtained a permit from the city clerk-treasurer authorizing said bonfire on forms to be provided by the city clerk-treasurer;
6. Tree stumps for the purpose of removal of such stumps;
So the answer to your question is "no"--unless you are using your fire ring for cooking.