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Chris Norton's campaign for a mobility access vehicle is doing well

Posted: Wed, May 7, 2014 4:38 PM

As reported on April 23rd (, supporters of Luther College student Chris Norton are trying to win an accessible vehicle for him through the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association.

The non-profit organization is holding an on-line contest to give away four accessible vehicles to individuals who need them.  Chris Norton needs to finish in the top ten percent of all entries to be eligible for one of the four $50,000 prizes to be awarded by the end of May.

NMEDA says over 1.7 million votes have been cast so far, split among 1,100 entries.  The number of votes and page views of the website have doubled from last year.  Chris Norton has over 10,000 votes--one of 15-20 entries with such a total. 

To help Chris Norton to be eligible for an accessible vehicle, vote at  There is no cost and no obligation.