The City of Decorah's decision to move a bike rack to a new location in the 400 block of West Water Street drew some heated discussion Monday night at the Decorah City Council meeting.
Five Decorah residents spoke at the meeting, criticizing the decision and the way it was made. But several city council members just as passionately defended the decision.
Courtyard & Cellar co-owner Benji NIchols noted that having the bike rack placed on a parking space on the street in 2013 "met with great success." He said people can't see the bike rack in its current location along the side of the Montessori School.
But city council member Tade Kerndt complained that business owners didn't even give the new location a chance to work before complaining. Fellow city council member Paul Wanless also defended the move, saying "It's a safer location."
SSMID Board president Andy Nelson told city council members "I was a little surprised" by the move of the bike rack and by the SSMID Board not being consulted. Business owner Gerald Harvey said, "It was a bad decision."
Fellow business owner Sharon Huber said she likes the bike rack to be on the street because bike owners like to leave their bikes where they can been seen. Drew Stevenson, co-owner of Decorah Hatchery, said the lack of visibility of the new location is a problem, as is the impact it is having on traffic to the Montessori school.
The Decorah City Council took no immediate action on the comments.