Five Luther College students were selected to receive a $1,000 Steven Mark Anderson Scholarship for the 2014-15 academic year.
Recipients of the scholarship were announced during Luther's Student Support Services celebration banquet March 19. Recipients include Jessica Edgar, Alex Hain, Pamera Kezy, Kathleenjo Peterson and Alexis Reynolds.
The Steven Mark Anderson Scholarship benefits Luther students involved in Student Support Services, a Federal TRIO program that is commemorating its 40th anniversary at Luther this year. The student success program provides a range of services such as tutoring, advising, leadership development and graduate school preparation for more than 175 students annually.
The Steven Mark Anderson Scholarship was established in 2001 by Lloyd and Kathy Anderson of Ames, Iowa, in memory of their son, Pastor Steven Mark Anderson, who graduated from Luther in 1985. The endowed scholarship has benefitted 70 students since then.
Jessica Edgar, of Austin, Minn., is involved in a number of activities that promote the values and mission of Luther. As the elected service chair representative for Tau Delta Gamma sorority, she is in charge of breast cancer awareness and fundraising projects as well as the American Red Cross blood drive. She also created a service project a year ago called "God's Helping Hands." In addition, she has volunteered with community clean-up projects during both fall and spring fling, and is member of the Luther track and field team. A double major in social work and management, she will graduate from Luther in 2016.
Alex Hain of Stewartville, Minn., has made an impact at Luther on and off the field. He is a huddle leader for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and a running back for Luther's football team. This past season, he was named to the Iowa Conference All-Academic football team. He plans to continue impacting the lives of others as a secondary English teacher upon graduation from Luther next year.
Pamera Kezy came to the United States from Rwanda 10 years ago and returned to her home country for the first time this past January. She speaks multiple languages, tutors French and works as a student assistant in the social sciences department and off campus at Opportunity Homes. She also completed an internship with Helping Services of Northeast Iowa and serves on the Student Support Services leadership council. A double major in social work and sociology, she will graduate from Luther after completing her senior field practicum one year from now.
Kathleenjo Peterson of St. Paul, Minn., is president of the Student Support Services leadership council and a member of Beta Theta Omega. A sociology major, she is passionate about helping inner city youth. She will spend her final semester of college participating in the Associated Colleges of the Midwest Chicago Program, which offers a mix of academic work, including an internship, independent study project, common core course about the city of Chicago and a seminar on urban studies and social justice.
Alexis Reynolds, of West Des Moines, Iowa, is a member of the Student Philanthropy Council and Students Helping Our Community. She is also a resident assistant in Miller Hall and a participant in the Launching Luther Leaders program. A biology major and psychology minor, she intends to study physical therapy after graduating from Luther next year.