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Local foods survey shows growth in use

Posted: Wed, Jan 8, 2014 5:03 PM

Sales of food produced in the six counties in Northeast Iowa from 24 reporting farms added nearly $7.3 million to the local economy in 2012, according to a survey done by ISU Extension Regional Program Coordinator eresa Wiemerslage.  In addition, $1.8 million of local foods was purchased by 30 restaurants, grocery stores, schools and institutions in the region.
Wiemerslage helped collect the data in cooperation with the statewide Regional Food Systems Working Group and with the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture.

Nearly 180 businesses and individuals participated in the data collection effort, including 74 buyers and 103 producers of local foods. The evaluation also measured job creation as a result of local food production, processing or utilization, and counted funds leveraged by the regional food groups that comprise the statewide RFSWG network.

"We believe there is a powerful story to tell about the value that local foods bring to our communities and commerce in our region," says Wiemerslage.