While the U.S. Department of Agriculture's grant for $375,000 to Oneota Solar, owned by Decorah businessman Larry Grimstad, might seem like good news, Grimstad says it will be another month before he'll learn whether he will need the grant.
The grant was given in support of a proposed 500 KWT solar energy conversion facility tentatively scheduled for the Decorah Business Park. But the solar energy plant will be built only if Dairyland Power Cooperative signs a power purchase agreement with Oneota Solar.
Grimstad tells decorahnews.com that his proposed project was one of 60 proposals made to Dairyland Power—proposals that were submitted from companies in four Midwestern states. Those proposals have now been narrowed to "a short list"—and Oneota Solar is on that list. Dairyland Power must make a decision by December 15th to comply with a federal deadline.
If Oneota Solar is chosen, the project could be in operation by May 30th of next year. Grimstad says if Dairyland Power does not choose his proposal immediately, the USDA grant is still good for two years and there's a chance Dairyland would give a go-ahead at a later date.