The Oneota Film Festival is not just an event for showing documentaries and short films made by professionals, it's a chance for Decorah residents to test out their filmmaking skills.
That's why ten Decorah residents recently were at Pulpit Rock Park--the setting of an 8-minute short film called "The Edge." Filmmaker Cade Loven says the film "plays with genres" and features a character who never gets up off the ground.
The cast consists of three Decorah kids, while the tech crew making the film has seven members.
The goal is to have "The Edge" shown during Oneota Film Festival. There may also be other locally-produced films that will be shown. Loven is also teaching a student film festival running now through January. The six Decorah kids who are participating in the seminar are being asked to collaborate on one shooting--but will be allowed to make separately edited short films from the same rough footage.
It's all in an attempt to not only show films at the festival, but to use the festival to get Decorah residents experienced in filmmaking.
(For scenes from the shooting of "The Edge," click here)