Decorah High School has announced the cast for its presentation next month of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," a musical adaptation of Mark Twain'a novel, conceived and written by Ken Ludwig with lyrics and music by Don Schlitz.
Directed by Thomas Houdek, Emily Kurash, and Jason Rausch, performances of the show will be presented at 7:30 p.m. November 14th, 15th and 16th and at 1:30 p.m. November 16th in the Decorah High School Auditorium. Tickets are $8 for adults and $4 for K-12 students. Tickets can be purchased from the DHS Box Office by calling 563-387-3900 starting November 10th.
Cast members include Gable Lonning as Tom Sawyer, Parker Fretheim as Huckleberry Finn, Linnea Kephart as Becky Thatcher, McKenzie Snyder as Aunt Polly, Brad Suhr as Judge Thatcher, Aidan Spencer as Widow Douglas, Adam Knight as Injun Joe, Sean Trewin as Muff Potter, Steven Holkesvik as Sidney Sawyer, Alexis Hove as Schoolmaster Dobbins, Micheal Foster as Reverend Sprague, and Charles Baldwin as Doc Robinson.
Playing roles as town youngsters will be Paul Fadness, Loden Henning, Connor Freeman, Drew Sullivan, Garret Baumler, Gara Lonning, Naomi Davidson, Katelyn Yee, Linnea Carlson, Carli Galligan, Ali Voight, and Maria Mertzenich. Trying to keep them in line are the adults of the town, played by Will Yahr, Blake Taylor, Jacob Skold, Ben Klammer, Brenna Herrmann, Alison Schwartzhoff, Gabriela Deifelt Streese, Kelly Minear, Gabrielle Cowie, Camille Dahlquist, Emma Dambek, Autumn DeLong, Brianna Doyle, Laurel Fadness, Indigo Fish, Kenzie Freeman, Rebecka Green, Annalise Johnson, Annika Krieg, Shai Shay, Jada Vanden Brink, Lukas Phillips, Everett Wegge, and Miles Wilkie.
Music will be performed by a bluegrass/folk combo consisting of Simon Cropp, Dylan Stoddard Henning, Nick Vande Krol, Lucas Griesheimer, TJ Misseldine, Nicole Cody, and Mary Beth Bouska.
The tech crew includes Stage Manager Leah Davis, Bryce Pierce, Connor Gossman, Drake Schuring, Chris Hartman, McKinley Eide, Forde Nesteby, Kristy Good, Shelby Stalberger, Tess Olinger, and Jonah Pankow.