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Reports of suspicious behavior turn out to be unfounded

Posted: Fri, Aug 9, 2013 5:53 PM

Decorah POlice and the Winneshiek County Sheriff's Department have released updated information about their earlier alert about suspicious behavior in the area.

The Sheriff's Department says reports of someone selling books in the county and asking odd questions regarding young girls in the home have been traced back to two males who have been selling educational books for Southwestern Advantage from Tennessee.  Deputies say it is a legitimate business.

Decorah Police say report of a man going door to door asking to make residents a salad has been traced to a man who wanted to educate people about eating and cooking healthy.  The man told police he is no longer in the Decorah area.  Police advised the man that he will need a peddlers permit to operate within the City of Decorah if he returns.

Both the Sheriff's Department and City Police are repeating their warning to residents to not give out any personal information, nor to let anyone into your home that you do not know.