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Oneota Film Festival announces new director, new president, new dates

Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2013 6:14 PM
Nancy Sojka, Erika Kambs, and Kristin Torresdal

The Board of Directors of the Oneota Film Festival has announced staff and board changes as well as the dates for the 2014 Festival.
Nancy Sojka, OFF board member and retired North Winneshiek School District educator, takes the reins as president of the board of directors replacing Kyrl Henderson whose term expired. Erika Kambs, Luther graduate and former staff member of the Luther College Sustainability Office, will be director of the 2014 festival. Other members of the board are Kristin Torresdal, film curator and treasurer; Andy Hageman; Larry Grimstad; Dan Bellrichard; Deborah Bishop, secretary; Rob Larson and John Hall.
Oneota Film Festival (OFF), now in its fifth season, will move its dates from late January to Friday, February 28, and Saturday and Sunday, March 1 and 2.
"By moving the dates a little later in the year we will be able to reach larger audiences, including a greater number of Luther students," OFF film curator Kristin Torresdal said. "We also will align the film festival with Ethnic Arts Festival at Luther. The schedule will allow audiences from both events to attend portions of each festival. OFF will collaborate with the EAF for film titles of interest to both audiences. This is will be an exciting new dimension for film goers in the region."
New OFF director Erika Kambs, who graduated from Luther with majors in Spanish and philosophy, has worked in Decorah since she graduated in 2008. Kambs brings a solid knowledge of documentary films as well as a 9-year acquaintance with the greater Decorah community. Her work history includes stints at AmeriCorps and Northeast Montessori School before joining the staff at Luther College.
"Oneota Film Festival's fifth season promises to be an extraordinarily event," Nancy Sojka said. "We are so happy that Erika has joined us to further build the festival. With the help of the community, we believe the 2014 festival will be the biggest yet, drawing larger audiences to Decorah from Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and beyond. We have already begun the work of attracting noted filmmakers to OFF in 2014 and are excited by the possibilities."
The Oneota Film Festival, which features current filmmaking addressing the issues of our time,  is made possible in part by the generous support of a sponsors and donors across the regional community, including host Luther College and in-kind support from the Decorah Public Library.