Fifteen 4-H Communication entries have been selected to represent Winneshiek County at the 2013 Iowa State Fair.
Advancing to the State Fair in Educational Presentations will be Logan Brincks, Mariah Schmitt, Kylie Darrington, Nathan Herold, Nicole Schmitt and Makinzie Monroe. Adam Knight and Ashley Kurash were selected to attend the Iowa State Fair for Extemporaneous Speaking. Nicole Schmitt and Ashley Schwartzhoff were selected as alternates. 4-H'ers selected to attend the Iowa State Fair in the Working Exhibits category include Lukas Phillips, Hanna Schmitt, Abraham Schmitt, Thomas Hendrickson, Emma Barton-O'Donnell, Kayla Burke, and Kimberly Fischer. Alternates to State Fair include Gracie Schmitt, ZeAnna Phillips, Alexa Jacobsen, Maddy Kuennen, Marissa Foels, Ashley Schwartzhoff, Brandi Hageman, and Maggie Kuennen. Kylie Darrington and Laurel Zweibohmer received honorable mention. Advancing to the State Fair in Share the Fun will be Ashley Kurash, Danae Taylor, and Everett Wegge. Nicole Schmitt and Jenna Schmitt both received Alternate State Fair honors.