Ann Moen of Decorah has been named as the 2013 Winneshiek County inductee into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. Moen will receive her award alongside inductees from other counties at the Iowa State Fair in August.
Moen worked for Iowa State University Extension in Winneshiek County as an office assistant from 1980 until she retired in 2012. She was the first person people saw when they walked in the door to the Extension Office. She was instrumental in the production of materials for the county fair and was also good at finding answers to people's questions when they came into the Extension Office. Over the years, Ann has helped hundreds of 4-H youth and 4-H leaders by providing support with paperwork, resources, and questions.
Moen has also served as a 4-H leader for the Washington Prairie Peppers for over fifteen years. She guided many members through projects, presentations, and animal showing. Moen also served at the 4-H Restaurant during the fair, helped design and put together the club booth and continually encouraging their members to try hard. She worked well with other leaders and made sure the meetings were both fun and full of learning experiences.
Moen and her husband Duane live in Decorah. They have two adult children: Ron (Kathy) and Wendy and three grandchildren: Abby, Morgan and Jonathan.