On Monday night the Decorah Community School Board approved some major purchases that they say will place Decorah Schools as one of the most technologically advanced districts in the state. Steps they took enhancing that "digital learning environment" included:
• Approval of a contract with Bradfield Computer Supply for purchase of 77 Smart Boards for use in all pre-K through 4th grade classrooms and selected other classrooms, Bluetooth wireless connections for the Smart Boards; and128 Smart Document Cameras for use in all classrooms. The total cost was nearly $237,000.
• Approval of a contract with Apple for 130 iPads and MacBook Airs to pilot in the Middle School, as well as 30 iPads to pilot in the High School; and 16 extra of each to cover breakage and enrollment increases. The pilot machines will help determine what the purchases will be in the next major round of purchases of either, or both, types of comparable devices for the 2014-15 school year. The contract was for almost $214,000.
• Approval of a contract for about $235,000 with Rockweiler Appliance and TV for 160 various sized televisions that will interact with the other computer devices. It was noted that this approach, in addition to improved quality and added services, would actually be less expensive than attempting to continue with the now outdated concept of projection systems.
Superintendent Mike Haluska said that although the district could spend the nearly $750,000 from existing money, he recommended going out for competitive bids for about two thirds of that amount. This would allow for the district to have money in the event of unforeseen financial demands, and also ensure that the district maintains a sufficient amount of available cash to be in compliance with bonding agreements.
While board members noted the high cost of technology they were committed to this direction, and continued to reinforce what the district was doing in terms of the necessary staff development and technology support needed to make technology a real asset to the teaching and learning environment.