The Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative, in partnership with Luther College, is accepting applications through Friday, July 19th, for 2013-2014 AmeriCorps positions serving over 18 schools throughout Northeast Iowa, promoting farm to school, active kids and school wellness.
On the ground, members will assist with school gardens, conduct nutrition and health education, and coordinate and train others to be leaders in this work. Members will deepen the understanding for students, teachers and staff about the benefits of growing and consuming healthy, green, affordable food and being physically active.
Luther College is the host organization for the FFI AmeriCorps positions, which are part of the Iowa 4-H Outreach program with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. AmeriCorps members serve with youth development programs in communities across the state. Membership is open to U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents age 17 and older.
AmeriCorps members can live in any community in the six-county region of Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek counties. When not working in their community, members can expect to work from the Environmental Studies department at Luther College, where they will have office space, including a desk, computer and phone and will be able to connect with others doing similar service.
Service members receive a modest living allowance, travel reimbursement and an education award which can be used for higher education tuition or loan repayment after completing a full term of service. The term of service is September 1st of this year through August 31st of next year.
Luther College is currently accepting applications through Friday. Please submit an electronic letter of interest and a resume highlighting experiences and rationale to Emily Neal, Director of School Outreach at Luther College at nealem01@luther.edu or find application information online at www.iowafoodandfitness.org.