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Helping Services starts new Emergency Housing Fund

Posted: Tue, May 14, 2013 7:19 PM

A major barrier to an abuse victim leaving her abuser is the lackof funds to start on her own. 

That's why Helping Services for Northeast Iowa has started an Emergency Housing Fund-- to helpclients start a new life without violence.

In the past the agency has helped an average of 30 mothers and40 children a year with first-month's rent and utility deposits, using fundsfrom state grants and from a generous donor.  But the grant has ended, and thedonor fund has been depleted.

The agency's fundraising goal is to start with $3,000 toprovide first-month's rent or utility deposit to fill current needs.  Its long-term goal is to have an annual fund of $18,000. 

For more information, or to make a donation, visit