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NICC ready for Wilder Business Center grand opening in April

Posted: Wed, Mar 20, 2013 5:02 PM
The newly remodeled auditorium in the Wilder Business Center

Northeast Iowa Community College has completed the renovation of the Wilder Center on the Calmar campus and is now ready for an April 25th open house.

The Wilder Business Center's completion concludes the last major NICC construction project funded, in part, through the $35 million bond levy approved by district voters in December of 2007.

NICC completed the remodeling and repurposing of the Wilder Business Center in January. This facility houses the NICC Business and Community Solutions staff as well as the NICC Foundation, Marketing, Distance Learning, Computer Information Services and Central Printing offices. The new center will enhance current business and industry training capabilities coordinated through NICC and will offer new conference meeting and auditorium spaces and video conferencing technology for the community.
NICC Trustees recently toured the new building before a board meeting and pronounced it ready for a grand opening at the center from 4:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25th.  Iowa Governor Terry Branstad and Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds will attend.  NICC has invited more than 200 local and state leaders to celebrate the official opening.